It's been described as captivating, compelling, raw, real, and relevant as well as hopeful, honest and hard to put down!
"Where He Leads" oh my, it was so powerful and wonderful , I so enjoyed it and will read it once again. One minute I was laughing, crying the next but most of all, praising God to have the opportunity to read one of your books. You are a very strong and faithful lady. It meant so much to me for you to sign it as well. I so love your blogs also. Thank you again for the encouragement from your book and learning that we women can go through difficult times and still come out on top , when we are a child of God

With Genuine Christian Love
A little book with a huge message! ​
Very little has been written about the Jews during the period of the Reformation. Most people will have heard of Luther's Ninety-five Theses and will exalt him as the hero of the Reformation, which indeed, he was. It is less likely that they will know about his vitriolic outbursts toward the Jews and other non-conforming communities of his day. This book explores the significant ways in which the Protestant Reformation influenced the Jewish way of life.